After Christmas and New Year, January 9 is the best day in my life. For 13 years my lovely bitch 'Vergin' are living with me, which I have to call "my foundation".
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EVELLAN'S HALFMILLION KISSES FOR STENVEYZ Photo was taken at the age of 1 year. |
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STENVEYZ PART OF MILLION Photo was taken at the age of 11 m. |
Look at this table, you can see 4 generations of our Labradors and I think we made a good job!
February 01, 2003
Tallinn, Estonia
Retriever Specialty Show
BIS-I Follies Be Prepared & BIS-II Majik Liebestraum
This weekend we and our 6 Labradors went to the Spesialty
Show of Estonian Rertiever Club in Tallinn. Judging by Marilyn Nightingale,
we had very good show results:
S. Tochka Ru, took 3-rd place in
Junior class with very nice critiques: "Very kind head with good expression,
eyes with good color, well angulated front and rear, deep chest, good topline,
good coat, very sound active mover" .
S. Red October, took 2-nd place in Open class after Countrylove's Choose Me (Best Dog-III). In open class from 13 entries 3 dogs took the mark "excellently" only. "Masculine head, kind expression, eye color OK, well front and rear angulated, good topline, deep chest, good rib, excellent coat, good bone, good movement".
S.Galligaskins - has got 2-nd place in Working class after yellow Follies Be Prepared, which became Best in Show. S. Oo-La-La from 22 entries has got 2-nd place in Open class after really super black bitch BOS Tweedledum Follies Bergerer. S. Dessert Chocolate won Working class ("very feminine head, kind expressive eyes, well angulated front and rear, deep, well borrowed body, good coat, bone and tail, moves very well") and Best Bitch-II. But the main surprise was follow - special Transitory Prize established by the kennel "Wizard's Creek" for The Best Chocolate Bitch in Show and it was very pleasant for us to open this honourable list of Glory.
We won the first place in breeders competitions: "All very typly, good strong bodies, well angulated front and rear, just one need a little more bone, all have good heads and coats, all excellent type".
Stenveyz Dessert Chocolate
March 01, 2003
Retriever Specialty Show
Judge - Tiina Illukka, Finland
March 01 we had in Moscow Retriever Specialty Show, judging by Tiina Illukka and by colors (Finland). And we had fantastic success: Best Junior, Best Junior in Show; The Best Pair, we won in Breeders Competitions; and two Labradors has got Best of Breed; Best in Show-3 and Best In Show!!!
Best In Show - Stenveyz Oo-La-La
Good places have took and offspring of our males
- black son of Stenveyz Don't Stop
To Dance - Zhelaju Udachi Chempion Balu won CC, CCquality and BOS in
Small chocolate daughter of Stenveyz
Let It Be - Btaitlait of Moskow Beautiful Flower became The Best Baby
in Show.
And the most Great Victiry was success of our young yellow bitch Stenveyz Oo-La-La, she has got CC, CCquality, BOB and Best In Show! (more than 160 entries)
Stenveyz Tochka Ru - Best Junior
in chocolates, Best Junior in Show;
Stenveyz Red October - CC, CCquality,
Stenveyz Polar Storm - CW,
Stenveyz Perfect Pudding - 2-nd place in Intermediate class, CCquality.
Stenveyz Dessert Chocolate - 2-nd
place in Champion class, CCquality.
Stenveyz Oo-La-La - CC, CCquality,
March 16, Perm. Stenveyz Chimney Sweep won The Best Baby in Show!!!
March 30, Ekaterinburg, International Dog Show. Stenveyz Chimney Sweep has got Best Baby!
March 30, Kaliningrad. Stenveyz Full Flavor has got Bast Baby in Show!!!
Full Flavor
Best Baby in Show
April, 4. Warsaw, Poland. Stenveyz Don't Stop To Dance won working class and has got CWC!
April, 5. Saratov, International Dog Show. Stenveyz Pepper Brandy has got CAC, CACIB & BOS!
April, 5. Kaluga. Stenveyz Chocolate Korkunov became The Best Baby in Show!!!
April, 12. Moscow. Stenveyz Red October has got CAC & BOS and Stenveyz Oo-La-La has got CAC & BOB!
April 19
National Retriever Show
BIS-3 Braitlait of Moskou Gabriella Sharm; BIS-2 Emaxis
Exclusive; BIS-1 Evellan's Halfmillion Kisses for Stenveyz
(from left to right)
Evellan's Halfmillion Kisses For Stenveyz won Working class, has got BOB, Club Winner and BEST IN SHOW!!!
BOB - Evellan's Halfmillion Kisses for Stenveyz & BOS
Pop-Star of Tintagel Winds
Red October took the first palce in Open class (in chocolate colour);
Stenveyz Let It Be
has got the first place in Winner class (in chocolate colour);
Stenveyz Dessert Chocolate won Winner class (in chocolate colour);
Stenveyz Tochka Ru
has got the first place in Junior class (in chocolate colour);
Chocolate Korkunov became The Best Chocolate Baby;
Stenveyz Polar
Storm won Open class (in black colour);
Stenveyz Percian
Orchid has got the first place in Open class (in black colour);
Mallorn's Ariel won
Champion class (in black colour);
S. Tochka Ru & S. Dessert Chocolate became The Best Couple in Show;
and we won the Breeder's Competition in Show.
April 19-20, Kiev, Ukraine. Two International Dog Shows. Stenveyz Taste of Chocolate has got Best Junior Bitch at the first Show and at the second - CAC at the Junior Derby. Stenveyz Chance For Revolution has got Best Baby and The BEST BABY IN SHOW!!! And at the second Show - BIS-3!
April 26, St. Petersburg, International Dog Show. CH Stenveyz Agatha Christie has got CACIB & BOS
CH Stenveyz Agatha Christie - CACIB & BOS
April 27, Klaipeda, Lithuania. Once againe Stenveyz Full Flavor won the Best Baby in Show!
May 4, Jonava, Lithuania. Best Baby in Show! Third time our lovely chocolate baby Stenveyz Full Flavor won the Baby Best!
May 10, Omsk, Siberian region. International Dog Show. Stenveyz Chocolate Korkunov became The Best Puppy
May 21. We concratulate two our bitches Stenveyz Dessert Chocolate & Evellan's Halfmillion Kisses for Stenveyz with titles of GRAND CHAMPION of Russia!
May 18, Tbilisi, Georgia. International Dog Show. Stenveyz Chocolate Korkunov became The Best Puppy and Best Puppy in Show!!!
May 25, Moscow, Stenveyz Oo-La-La has got her last CAC and now we are waiting for the title of Russian Champion; Stenveyz Red October has got CAC, BOB and Best In Group!
June 1, Pskov. Stenveyz
Every Year Tradition & Stenveyz
Agatha Christie have got last tickets for the title of RKF Champion;
and Stenveyz
Agatha Christie – CW, CAC, BOB & BIG!!!
(both are living in Kensol's
June 14, Obninsk, Stenveyz Red October has got CAC, BOS
June 29, 2003
International Dog Show "White Nights 2003"
Mallorn's Ariel & RCACIB Stenveyz Every Year Tradition
Third time our dogs won this traditional Show!
This year, winner became our wonderful black bitch CH
Mallorn's Ariel - CAC, CACIB & BOB.
CH Stenveyz Every Year Tradition - CAC, RCACIB;
Stenveyz Red October - CAC, RCACIB;
RCACIB Stenveyz Red October
July, 6. Minsk, Belorussia.
CH Stenveyz Dessert Chocolate won working class and has got CAC; CH Evellan's halfmillion Kisses For Stenveyz won champion class and has got CAC & BOS - We congratulate two our bitches with titles of Belorussian Champion! Stenveyz Red October has got CAC; and our young boy Stenveyz Tochka Ru made his first step in adult class - he won intermediate class, has got CAC, BOB & BEST IN GROUP! WE congtarulate him with wonderful start!
And congratulations with BOB & BIG-2 for our lovely Golden Sire - CH Karvin Trendsetter, and many thanks to Alina Yakovitskaya!
July 6, Mariupol, Ukraine. JCH Stenveyz Living Melody has got CAC & BOS and we congratulate her with the title of Ukrainian Champion!
July 12, Samara, International Dog Show. Stenveyz Pepper Brandy has got CAC.
August 24, V.Novgorod. International Dog Show. Stenveyz Red October has got CAC & RCACIB.
September 6, Moscow. Our young Stenveyz Huckleberry became Best Baby!
September 7, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, International Dog Show. We congratulate all our labradors with their success - UKR CH Stenveyz Living Melody has got CAC, CACIB & BOS; RUS, UKR, MD CH Stenveyz Don't Stop To Dance has got CAC & RCACIB; Stenveyz Chance For Revolution - Best Junior & Best In Group; and our lovely brother UKR CH Evellan's Holsten won CAC, CACIB & BOB!
September 13
Moscow Mayor's Cap - "Russia 2003"
Judge: Salvatore Tripoli (Italia)
![]() BOB, CAC & CACIB INT CH Evellan's Halfmillion Kisses For Stenveyz |
Traditionally at first weeks of September in Moscow passed one of the most large and popular International Dog Show - "Russia 2003" Once again our super black bitch INT CH Evellan's Halfmillion Kisses For Stenveyz became Best Of Breed! She has got CAC & her 9-th CACIB in Champion class; CH Stenveyz Especially for B.E. has got & RCACIB in Champion class; CH Stenveyz Oo-La-La has got CAC in Open class and our youngster Stenveyz Tochka Ru has got RCAC in Intermediate class.
![]() RCACIB - Stenveyz Especially for B.E. |
Stenveyz Oo-La-La
CAC in Open class
September 29. We congratulate Stenveyz Chimney Sweep with the title of Junior Champion of Russia.
October 12, Donetsk, Ukraine, International Dog Show. Our congratulations to CH Stenveyz Living Melody - CAC, CACIB, BOB and Best In Group! CH Evellan's Holsten - CAC & CACIB; Stenveyz Taste of Chocolate - CAC & RCACIB; and our youngster Stenveyz Chance For Revolution - Best Junior!
October 18, Moscow. Stenveyz Tochka Ru has got CAC; Stenveyz Chocolate Korkunov - Best Junior!
October 24, Ekaterinburg. Retriever Speciality Show. Stenveyz Chimney Sweep became the Best Junior.
October 25, Odessa, Ukraine. Retriever Speciality Show. Congratulations to Stenveyz Taste of Chocolate with CAC; Stenveyz Forget Me Not - with the first success in Junior class!
November 2, Kiev, Ukraine. Stenveyz Forget Me Not has got the first place and became The Best Junior!
November 9, Tartu, Estonia. International Dog Show. We congratulate Stenveyz Every Year Tradition with the Win! She has got CAC, CACIB, BOB, BIG-4 and became Estonian Champion!
November 16, Moscow. Stenveyz Tochka Ru has got CAC.
November 29, Moscow. Stenveyz Tochka Ru has got CAC, BOB & BIG-3! Stenveyz Red October - CAC and became Russian Champion!
November 30:
Vladimir. Retriever Speciality Show. Stenveyz Red October won open class, Best of Breed and the title of National Retriever Club Champion!
St.Petrsbourg. Retriever Specialty. Stenveyz Heavy Metal - The Best Puppy! Mallorn's Yacaranda - CAC, BOS; Stenveyz Let It Be - CAC, BOB.
All Breeds Show - Stenveyz Heavy Metal - The Best Puppy! Stenveyz Diver Seashell - CAC and we congratulate her with the title of Russian Champion! Stenveyz Agatha Christie - CAC, BOB & BIG-3!
Stenveyz Heavy Metal
December 6, Moscow International Dog Show. Stenveyz Sugar Free - Best Puppy Bitch; Stenveyz Huckleberry - Best Puppy & BIS-3!
December, 14. Kiev, Ukraine. International Dog Show. Stenveyz Taste of Chocolate has got CAC, CACIB & BOS and we are very happy to rented her in our kennel. Stenveyz Polar Storm - CAC, RCACIB. CH Stenveyz Don't Stop To Dance - CAC. And our congratulations to super black dog CH Evellan's Holsten - CAC, CACIB, BOB & BIG-2!
BOS, CACIB, CAC Stenveyz Taste of Chocolate & BOB, BIG-2, CACIB, CAC CH Evellan's Holsten
December, 20. Moscow, International Dog Show. Stenveyz Tochka Ru has got CAC; Stenveyz Red October has got CAC, RCACIB=CACIB; INT CH Evellan's Halfmillion Kisses for S. - CAC, RCACIB.
December 27, Moscow. At the last weekend of this Year Stenveyz Tochka Ru has got 2 CAC at one day (one of them at the Retriever Specialty Show) and he become Russian Champion!. Stenveyz Taste of Chocolate - CAC & BOS at the Retriever Specialty Show.
October 19, Moscow. Our small Golden girl Stenveyz Shiseido became BEST BABY!!!
November 1, Moscow. Stenveyz Shining Sun became The Best Baby!
November 16, Moscow. We congratulate small Golden baby Stenveyz Sugar Free with the first step in Baby Class!
November 29, Moscow. We congratulate our Goldens: Stenveyz Sugar Free became the Best Puppy; and Stenveyz Strawberry Fields - CAC.
December 6, Moscow International Dog Show. Stenveyz Sugar Free - Best Puppy Bitch.
December 27, Moscow. Stenveyz Shiseido - Best Puppy in Show at the Retriever Specialty (all Retrievers) and Best Puppy at the all-breed's dog show.